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Channeling for the World



 A changing world is before us, and we are here to remind you that your Angels, Guides and all of the Divine are with you.  We stand by your side, ready to help in anyway that you request.  Confusion may be present at this time, but out of this confusion, we will bring you the CLARITY that your heart yearns for, and as you ask you will begin to see a light that shines bright before you.  This light if followed will show you the way, and you will be guided to what is truly next for your Soul. 


Your mission has not been wasted, just on hold for a moment or two, for this is a time to re-evaluate everything that is in your life, and to heal.  To look deeply and to see where you want to go from here, as you let go of all that no longer serves you.  Doubt may creep in for a moment or two, so continue to ask for the guidance you need.  It will present itself in many ways, and as you ask for the signs, you will see them during your day. 


Please remember dear ones, that you are not alone, and when loneliness creeps in, it is time to turn to your Angels, Guides and all of the Divine for comfort and strength.  We only ask that you ask, for we are hovering close by at all times.  No matter how big or small your need, we are there to help.  Ask us to wrap our arms around you as you feel our warmth and love.  We are at your beckon call, and the fact that free will was given to you at birth, it is a must that you ASK for what you need.  Once given, the essence of GRATITUDE is the only response that we ask for, for we know that with the power of GRATITUDE, mountains will begin to move, and doors will begin to open with ease and grace. 


Yes, the times we are in are both exciting and frightening, and courage and strength are needed to prevail.  Remember that you are strong, and that you can overcome any obstacle that is in your way.  Hold the intention that you are truly a being that is filled with light, and that your human experience is just that, “An experience” for your Soul knows the way, and will guide you on a path of true grace, when called upon to do so. 


See yourself each morning now, stepping on that Path of Grace, as a rich lavender path is set before you.  Step on this path, as you walk through your day with the essence of Grace by your side, remembering that all is ever moving forward, and the challenges that present themselves to you and the world will pass.  Be diligent and hold your hearts desires and intentions close, but also give them the freedom to expand into something even better than you could ever imagine, for you are a CREATIVE BEING, and can shift and change with our times.  We love you, and cherish who you are, and will be with you always~


With love and devotion

Your Angels & Soul Guides

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