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Angel Store


My Soul’s Embrace

Your Soul is calling, in this enlightening and healing book all about your Soul, its Mission and Purpose, with 44 days of Soul Affirmations, “Everything you ever wanted to use for your Soul healing and transformation, and a special Embracing my Soul Prayer and Review for your own personal growth at the end of each chapter.  Truly a book for our times! $24.95 (Includes Shipping) Venmo @Cathi-Burke-1


Americo Michael “Surrounded by Angels”

This powerful and healing book incorporates 44 angelic channeling sessions, true stories with spirit, and groups of metaphysical healing tools, devotional poetry and more. $24.95 (includes shipping) Venmo @Cathi-Burke-1


The 8 Angel Ray Tune-up CD

This powerful and healing CD will expand your ability to take on the highest forms of light that are coming down to the Earth at this time, as the 8 Angel Rays expand your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies with their gifts of unconditional love, vitality, abundance, miracles, peace, healing, joy, faith and grace - all set to beautiful music. $17.95 (includes shipping) 

Venmo @Cathi-Burke-1



The 8 Angel Ray Energy Bracelet

This shimmering bracelet will connect you daily with the 8 Angel Rays of Light and their many gifts of unconditional love, vitality, abundance, miracles, peace, healing, joy, faith and grace.

$25 (includes shipping) Venmo @Cathi-Burke-1

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