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Your 12 Month Angelic/Soul forecast


A Journey of Pure Guidance, Healing and Light


For over 30 years Cathi has been offering in-house and long distance 12 Month Angelic/Soul Forecasts bringing guidance, healing, and joy into the lives of all those who experience this powerful and loving 90 minute session.


Your Special Forecast filled with guidance and healing.


As the Angels and your Soul Guides bring you their special guidance, and healing, you begin to have more clarity and insight into your life and how to move forward onto a path of Joy.  Each forecast brings you a month by month channeled message from the Angelic and Soul Realms, helping you to understand what's unfolding in your life, and what the very best avenue will be to take. 

Filled with guidance and creative tools and processes to bring healing and movement into your life, Cathi is honored as an Intuitive, Creative Life Coach to bring these gifts to you.

This special forecast can be done anytime of year and will give you one full year of guidance, with beautiful and light filled process's and metaphysical tools for healing, expansion and personal growth.


A special Testimonial


"Cathi's Angelic/Soul Forecasts are a beautiful way to connect with those special Angels and Soul Guides that have chosen to gift us with their presence all throughout the year. I find that Attuning with them brings wondrous results. These Angel and Soul messages are a gift we can enjoy each day."  

~Denise T. Barry, Astrologer


Feel free to contact me if you have questions and to schedule your appointment.


Cost for the 12 month forecast is 144.00 and is available on this site for in-house appointments or long distance by phone.


(If you choose to do long distance Cathi will also send you a copy of your Forecast via email.)


Call 781-871-1740 to schedule your appointment

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