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My Souls Embrace, Americo Michael Surrounded by Angels, The Butterfly Awakened CD,

& The 8 Angel Ray Tune-Up CD


My Soul's Embrace


“My Soul’s Embrace is an amazing book of Soul discovery, as you learn to embrace your true Soul gifts and Mission.  It is filled with personal life changing true stories, and expansive tools and techniques that will enhance and deepen your connection with your Soul, Higher Self, Angels and Soul Guides.  My Soul’s Embrace is a perfect guide for anyone and everyone who is ready to look within as they begin to feel the joy, miracles and mission that their Soul is here to experience.”


I love this book! The guidance, the spiritual exercise's and especially your sharing of significant life events was inspirational and healing. The strength and faith that you have demonstrated throughout your journey as so eloquently stated in your book has touched so many and taught us how to connect to loving energies and to love ourselves. Thank you Cathi for all the love, support and blessings you have given to me and my family. Your success and happiness is well deserved. Wishing you joy and love. ~Joanne Castercoine

Americo Michael “Surrounded by Angels” a Journey in Transformation

This loving and healing book was inspired by my Father Americo Michael, who at his passing showed me the Angels carrying him up into the heavens.  On that eventful night my gift of Angelic Channeling was born.  This beautiful book filled with spirit brings to the reader many true and enlightening stories with spirit.  44 Angelic Channeling Sessions that can be used for guiding you daily, and an array of devotional poetry, and healing tools for transformation.

“I love using this book as daily guidance from my Angels! It is filled with love, hope and transformation.” ~Love, Jean Bilowz

The Butterfly Awakened CD is a Journey with 8 Healing Angels that will bring in special clearing and rejuvenating energy, relaxation and joy into all parts of your being - Side two is the Butterfly Journey of the Soul, taking you through a field of intention to activate your deepest hearts desires.  All set to relaxing background music.

The 8 Angel Ray Tune Up Meditation connects you deeply with the 8 Angel Rays of Light as the gifts of Unconditional Love, Vitality and Abundance, Miracles, Peace, Healing, Joy, Faith and Grace flow with ease throughout your body, mind and spirit.


Feeding your Souls Power Center Process:


You will be working on your Soul’s power center, a center which feeds our ability to expand and move forward fearlessly.


Begin by sitting quietly now in a space that is peaceful and energetically light.  Take a gentle breath in and allow it to flow deep into the heart and Soul of Mother Earth.  Begin to feel Mother Earth holding you in safety and grace. Remember that your Angels and Soul guides are right by your side as you repeat this process two more times, feeling grounded and ready to proceed. 


Bring your attention now to the center of your stomach area where your third chakra resides.  In your mind’s eye see your body miniaturize and step into a bubble of pure golden light.  Once you feel secure begin to travel in the bubble of light deep into the center of your third chakra and begin to explore.  Begin by looking all around the area and see if there are any dark patches or blockages.          


Begin to see your third chakra as a pure circular ball of energy and tune into its color.  Is it bright yellow and brilliant filled with golden light and circulating in perfect harmony? Or is it dull and weak, moving slowly?  Take a deep breath in and continue to observe. Be the observer now without judgment.  You are only here at this time to access the situation.  Once you have a perfect picture on the condition of your third chakra bring your attention two feet above your head.  You will be opening and connecting with the higher chakras and a greater volume of light will be able to flow through you.


Above your higher chakras is the Divine Umbrella of Spirit. Here resides the Father/Mother God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit the angels and all of the divine ready and truly willing to connect with your center, bringing you into a state of clarity and light.  Rich beams of golden light begin to come through the higher chakras now moving through all upper body chakras and landing gently in the center of your third chakra. 

Deeper and deeper their energies flow circulating into the 12 crystals in the center of your core.  Feel and see each crystals expand as you take in the golden clarity light, cleansing and clearing the pathway to greater and greater clarity. 


As each crystal vibrates to the divine energies you are balanced and purified, pure golden light begins to expand into the circular energies of your third chakra.  You are standing in the middle of this energy now and you can feel and see your third chakra begin to fill with this pure golden vitality light. 

With each rotation your chakra is fed, as this rich golden light begins to empower and remove all doubt and fear.  Time after time the crystallized energies are mixed with the golden flame and a deeper sense of self appears.  You embrace all that you are and your Soul smiles. 


You begin to feel strong, vibrant and renewed.  All dark areas are now filled with light. Richer and richer the golden light builds into the very heart and Soul of your third chakra, each layer of your chakras energy field is enhanced and greater and greater understanding, courage and clarity becomes the outcome. 

When you feel you are filled to the brim begin to see the little you in the bubble coming back into your full

body.  Take a gentle breath in and bathe in the clarity and the light. 


Now go about your day knowing that the energies you have created support your Soul journey, bringing greater movement, wisdom and enlightenment. Remember to do this daily for one month as you begin to see that you are in a state of perfection, connected to Source, and worthy of all good things.




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